Staying Safe

Safeguarding the welfare of all children remains a key priority for Big Life Schools. We are committed to ensuring all children, adults, families who access our schools are supported to mitigate welfare concerns or risks.
We have a policy which details how we promote the welfare of all children and their families, training provided for our staff including identification of need, escalation and reporting procedures.
We use robust recording system, CPOMS, which enables escalation and communication with agreed statutory services to ensure the welfare of our children and families are prioritised.
Our policy and approach comply with the statutory legislation set out in the education act 2002 and Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Our Safeguarding Team:
Mrs J Lee
Mrs K Burton
Assistant Headteacher - EYFS
Mrs R Bradshaw
Family Support Worker
Mr R Gonthier
Deputy Headteacher
Kirsty Ferris
Nursery Manager
Digital Safeguarding
Big Life Schools recognises the importance of relevant and new technologies in the lives of our pupils. The internet and other digital information technologies are powerful tools, which can open up new and exciting opportunities for learning. Internet use is part of the statutory National Curriculum and is a necessary tool for staff and pupils.
It is the entitlement for every pupil to have access to the internet and digital technologies, in order to enrich his/her learning. – Article 13: Right to Information
The following links provide access to sites to support how you can keep yourself and your child safe online: