Year 5JK

Hello and welcome to 5JK!
I am the Year 5 class teacher, Mr Kerr.
We are very excited to be teaching your child over the next academic year and hope to make learning engaging and interesting for all.
We’re looking forward to a fantastic year with your children. Thank you all for your support, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Mr J Kerr
Teacher Year 5
Mr D Morgan
Teaching Assistant
In English this term, we will be using the story ‘The Last Bear’ as inspiration for our first writing unit. This is a great story about a young girl’s mission to save a lonely bear in the Arctic. We will be focusing on using direct speech and subordinate clauses and continuing to use ambitious vocabulary in our writing. To support our writing, children have been given access to Twinkl Spellings, to support our spelling lessons. Each week a spelling list will be given out on a Friday, for a test on a Thursday.
In our reading lessons, we will be reading a variety of text types and books by different authors and answering a range of different question types. As reading plays an essential part in supporting your child’s progress in all subjects, your child needs to read daily for 10-15 minutes and discuss their reading with an adult. Please make sure you provide 10-15 minutes a day where your child has a quiet time and is encouraged to read.
We ask that the children change their books twice a week by bringing the books back to school and handing them to Mr Morgan. Please remind your children to bring their reading books to school as soon as they have finished reading and they will be changed Monday and Friday.
In Maths, this term we will be focusing on multiplication and division, fractions and decimals & percentages. Times table knowledge is key for these units, so across Year 5 we are having multiple Times Table competitions on TT Rockstars this term. The tournaments will last 2 weeks long each, with children able to gain points for our classes between 3pm and 8pm every day. Please support your child at home by practising their timetables weekly by using TTRockstars.
This term in Geography we will be learning about climate zones and biomes, focusing particularly on rainforests. We will be learning all about the structure of rainforests and the animals which live inside them.
In History, this term we will learn about the Early Islamic Civilization. In this unit, we will learn about the importance of Baghdad, and understand the influence that early Islam had on modern civilization.
In Science, we will be learning about materials and their properties, as well as Animals, including humans in Spring 2. This will culminate in a trip to RHS Bridgewater Gardens on Wednesday, March 26. If you have not yet paid your £10 trip contribution for this term please make sure you have done this before the trip.
Every Wednesday and Thursday we will have PE and this term we will explore dance and fitness. On a Thursday children should come to school wearing PE kit, with uniform to change into afterwards. I would like to remind you that the PE kit should include: a white T-shirt, a black hoodie and black joggers, shorts or leggings. After half term, our Thursday PE will change to Monday mornings, and we will be supported by the Manchester United coaches in school.
We are looking forward to a fantastic term with your children.
Thank you all for your support.
Mr Kerr and Mr Morgan