Year 3CM

Hello from 3CM

We would like to first say a big ‘welcome back’ and that we cannot wait to get to know every one of your children!

We hope that you are ready and raring to go for the next school year. We would like to introduce ourselves: I am the Year 3 class teacher, Ms McGrath, and I will be supported by Ms Mahmood and Mrs Hammad across the week. Mr Gonthier is also our phase lead and Deputy Head Teacher and will offer support across the year as well.

We are all very excited to be teaching your children over the next academic year and hope to make learning engaging and interesting for all!

As always, if you have any more questions or queries, please do let me know. You can always grab me on the playground at the end of the day, or message me on ClassDojo.

Miss C McGrath

Teacher Year 3

Mr R Gonthier

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs G Hammad

Teaching Assistant

Dear Parents, Carers and Families, We would like to first say a big ‘welcome back’ and that we cannot wait to get to know each and every one of your children. We do hope that you managed to get a rest and relax a little over the Summer holiday and are ready and raring to go for the next school year which we hope will be just as successful as the last.  Firstly, we would like to introduce ourselves. I am the Year 3 class teacher Ms McGrath and I will be supported by Ms Mahmood and Mrs Hammad across the week. Mr Gonthier is also our phase lead and Deputy head teacher and will offer support across the year. We are all very excited to be teaching your children over the next academic year and hope to make learning engaging and interesting for all.

Once again, we will be having a big push on reading this year, and we greatly encourage that your children read for at least 10 minutes each day – This will really help improve their reading fluency and comprehension. Your child will receive a reading book and reading log from school. Every time they read at home, we would greatly appreciate that you make a little comment in the log book. Once they finish the book, the children can just pop it back into box in class. I will aim to get the reading books changed as often as possible, each week.

Homework will be given out once a week, on a Friday. Children will either receive one piece of English or Mathematics homework that relates to that week’s learning. Homework should be completed in their homework books which they should return to school by Friday, so we can check through the work and give out the next piece.

In Year 3, children must know and be able to recall their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables which is a big step up from Year 2 but helping your child to learn their multiplication tables will really help them with the Multiplication assessment that will take place in the following school year group. There is a useful website that can be accessed at home called I will provide each child with their login.

We will be having twice weekly PE lessons, on a Wednesday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor), so please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on these days. We ask that on a Friday, children arrive at school in their PE kits, and bring their uniform to change back into, as our lesson will be first thing.

Our school PE kit is: A plain white t-shirt and plain dark coloured shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers or pumps. We ask for no cropped T-shirts or bright coloured PE kits and no jewellery, please. Ticks will be given out each week for those with the correct kits.

ClassDojo: We would greatly recommend downloading ClassDojo, as we will be using this platform to pass on important information about what is happening in school. I will also post regular updates with pictures and videos of what we have been getting up to in class. If you are unsure of how to access this please do let me know, and I can help you get connected. It is also a great tool to pass on any useful information to myself if you are unable to grab me on the playground at the end of the day. I check it regularly and will always aim to reply to any messages as soon as reasonably possible.

For any more information regarding the Year 3 curriculum and the things we will be teaching over this term, please do see the school website and visit the Year 3 page.

As always, if you do have any more questions or queries, please do let me know. You can always grab me on the playground at the end of a day, or message me on ClassDojo.

We’re looking forward to a fantastic year with your children.

Thank you all for your support.

Ms McGrath & the Year 3 team  





  • Download and print our timetable Download
  • Download our full curriculum overview Download