Year 5KG

Hello and welcome to Year 5!

I am the Year 5 class teacher, Mr Goodman. We are very lucky to be receiving support from Mr Warner across both classes. Mr Gonthier is also our assistant head teacher and will be covering lessons on a Wednesday afternoon with Mr Warner.

We are very excited to be teaching your child over the next academic year and hope to make learning engaging and interesting for all. 

We’re looking forward to a fantastic year with your children. Thank you all for your support, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Mr R Gonthier

Deputy Headteacher

The children have settled straight back into class into their Spring term and we are looking forward to all the amazing learning they will be doing! We are all very excited to be teaching your children over the next academic year and hope to make learning engaging and interesting for all.

This term in Geography, we will be learning about biomes. We will cover what a biome is, the different kinds of biomes, rainforests, deforestation and the effect it has on humans, and finally how biomes are changing due to the effects of climate change.

In History, this term we’re starting to learn about the Early Islamic Civilisation. This is such an exciting and interesting topic that we’re sure the children will love learning about. We will explore the impact that the Early Islamic Civilisation had on the world.

In our reading lessons, we will be reading a variety of text types and books by different authors. We focus on lots of different question types to deepen your child’s knowledge and to strengthen their ability to understand harder, more complex books. As reading plays an essential part in supporting your child’s progress in ALL subjects, such as, maths, writing, science, history and geography, your child will need to read daily for 15-20 minutes and discuss their reading with an adult. Please make sure you provide 15-20 minutes a day where your child has a quiet time and is encouraged to read.

We ask that the children change their books weekly by bringing the books back to school and handing them to the teacher. Please remind your children to bring their reading books to school as soon as they have finished reading it.

In Science, we are learning about animals, including humans. This is an essential unit filled with activities aimed at helping children understand how different animals, including humans, grow and develop. We will also be learning about the life cycle of various plants and animals.

In Maths, we are looking at multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages, perimeter and area, as well as statistics. We will then be using a variety of strategies to tackle different questions. Please support your child at home with practising their times table weekly. We still really encourage the children to continue using TT Rockstars to help support the children with their timetable skills.  Your child’s arithmetic skills are incredibly important and are the foundation of many areas in maths.

Every Thursday and Friday (in Y5K) Tuesday and Thursday (in Y5G) we will have PE and this term we will explore gymnastics and basketball.  I would like to remind you that PE kit should include: a white T-shirt, a black hoodie and black joggers, shorts or leggings.

In Year 5, we will provide your child with a homework on Friday, which will usually include a piece of maths homework and a piece of English homework. These pieces of homework will be given on paper. Please ensure that homework is brought in on the following Friday and a teacher will look at it.

If you have any questions, we are happy to discuss them with you after school. Please do not hesitate to contact us by speaking to us after school, by phoning the office to leave a message or you can message us on Class Dojo.

We are looking forward to a fantastic term with your children.

Thank you all for your support.

Mr Kerr, Mr Goodman and Mr Warner

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