Reception O
Welcome to Reception O!
We look forward to welcoming our new children to Reception and love spending our first half term building special relationships with both our children and families here at Unity. We will spend this time establishing our new routines, settling into Reception and getting to know our class.
We will send you information and key dates over Class Dojo so keep an eye out for our weekly posts if you have any questions please pop in and see us. We are always happy to help.
Thank you for being so supportive.
Miss O’Toole, Mrs Neil, and the Reception team.
In the first half term of Autumn Term, our topic is “In My Manchester Home.” This is the perfect topic to start our Reception year with as it provides us with exciting learning opportunities that help us build our curriculum around our children. We will be looking at our homes, and we will also go on a walk around our local area which will be a brilliant adventure to share! We will also be learning about some exciting landmarks in our city, such as Beetham Tower.
Our second half of the Autumn Term will be “Woodland Animals” and our focus text is Owl Babies. We will be learning all about different woodland animals and their habitats. We will explore many different species of animals that hibernate here in the UK. We will build on these experiences using our Wildlife Camera to see what wildlife is right here on our doorstep and how our environment changes as Autumn arrives.
In Maths, we will be “using our eyes to subitise” as we learn to recognise groups, such as spots on dice, without having to count each spot individually.
In phonics, we will begin with phase 2 and follow the Little Wandle scheme. We will be building on our phase 1 skills to tune in to initial phonemes in words and learn how to write the corresponding graphemes. You can support your child with phonics at home by watching the videos here:
We will send individual reading books at the end of Autumn 1 and we change our reading books every Friday so the children must remember to bring their book bag to school each week. It will also really help your child with their reading by sharing a book with them every day.
Please make sure that your child has a bag of spare clothes on their peg. Please remember to put your child’s name on everything.
Each Tuesday, we have Coach Zafaar from Manchester United who comes and delivers our sports programme.